
Sep 28, 2018 by Renee Linnell
I have a confession to make. I’m afraid. I’m really really very afraid. I have spent the last 5.5 years creating a beautiful, peaceful, calm, easy, comfortable life and now it’s all about to change. I’m afraid of my live TV interviews. I’m afraid of public speaking at my book signings. I’m afraid of people from the cult showing up and harassing or threatening me. I’m afraid of all of it. And I am also SO excited! I’m so excited about the wave that is building, coming closer, and lining up perfectly for me to ride. It’s a strange feeling. I’m afraid, so afraid, yet I know it is time to step into my new, bigger, more complicated life.

And I keep thinking of this quote from Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet:
“It is not a garment I cast off this day, but a skin that I tear with my own hands. Nor is it a thought I leave behind me, but a heart made sweet with hunger and with thirst. Yet I cannot tarry longer. The sea that calls all things unto her calls me, and I must embark. For to stay, though the hours burn in the night, is to freeze and crystallize and be bound in a mould.” 

I don’t want to freeze and crystalize and be bound into a mold of the comfortable and familiar. I want to be free, to live, to expand, to grow. So, here I go. Full steam ahead. Stumbling and fumbling my way through these interviews until I find my footing and my voice. I know I will get better and better at this. And the only way to overcome fear is to face it. 

Photo Credit: In Her Image Photography