
Look For The Opportunities

Look For The Opportunities
Mar 14, 2020 by Renee Linnell
I am feeling a very strong urge to keep writing to you, so I am following it. There is so much Light right now. As above, so below. Or, in this case: as below, so above. We live in a world of dichotomy so as dark as it gets, there is always that much Light to be accessed. It is a jump and it takes effort to find it, but once you tap into it you will feel it and you will soar.

Rise Above The Fear, We Need You

Rise Above The Fear, We Need You
Mar 13, 2020 by Renee Linnell
We all have a choice in every moment to turn towards light and love and faith and community and trust. Or to turn towards fear and isolation and condemnation. It is up to us in every moment to turn towards the light. This is where we have control. This is where we are powerful. And this is how we change the world.

You Are Safe

You Are Safe
Mar 12, 2020 by Renee Linnell
At the risk of making everyone mad at me*, I have something to say about the Coronavirus. Can we all please take ownership of our own minds? And our own bodies? I traveled up and down the East and West coasts giving interview after interview about The Burn Zone to people who said to me, over and over, “I could never be brainwashed, how does this happen?”

My loves, if you are terrified of getting some virus that the news tells you is going to kill you, you are brainwashed. If you watch the news every day and buy into the fear they are selling, you are allowing yourselves to be brainwashed.

Becoming Whole

Becoming Whole
Jan 30, 2020 by Renee Linnell
I dream of a day when we all let go, when we all “give up” and jump into the rushing Stream of Life, when we stop trying to be who we think we need to be and instead surrender to Who We Are. 


Dec 11, 2019 by Renee Linnell
Don Juan, the teacher of Carlos Castaneda, says in The Journey to Ixtlan that men [women] of power treat every act as if it is their last. Because each of us never knows what moment we may die. So each act must be done as if it is the last. He says this is what makes these people magic. Sorcerers. This is what makes them have tremendous power. And I began thinking about how wonderful it would be to live life this way . . .


Nov 11, 2019 by Renee Linnell
The Course in Miracles says that in every moment we have a choice between a grievance or a miracle. In every moment all we have to do is lift our gaze. In every single moment we get to choose: Do I want to live in Heaven, where anything is possible and miracles abound; or do I want to get lost in the mundane, and miss each moment’s wonderful/breathtaking/awesome display?

A Thought About Vulnerability

A Thought About Vulnerability
Oct 09, 2019 by Renee Linnell
"In my defenselessness my safety lies," says The Course in Miracles

I walk into my local spa and a golden retriever mix greets me. I have never seen her before. She approaches me, tail wagging back and forth, and then drops to the ground, rolls over, and offers me her tummy. I immediately respond: I drop to the floor as well, overcome with love for her, and I begin to stroke her belly and offer kind, loving, soothing words. I tell her how beautiful she is and how good. I tell her how much I love her. We are both in bliss. And we just met. Instant love. And I think of how vulnerable she is. How instinctively she knows she was born to give love and receive it. And how by dropping to the ground and offering her belly she immediately said, "Give me the best of yourself; I trust you to do it." 

A Return To Love

A Return To Love
Aug 10, 2019 by Renee Linnell
We are born to love. We love being loving. We thrive when we love. So, when we encounter anything that opens our heart wide, we want more and more and more of it. The fascinating thing, the thing we are not taught is this: it is our love flowing. It does not matter what the object of attention is. We choose to flow the love. This is the feeling we become addicted to. And, we have control over it. We can choose to flow this love anywhere and to anyone. And we need to learn to flow it to ourselves first. 

Giving Away Our Power

Giving Away Our Power
Jul 01, 2019 by Renee Linnell
There is all this talk about giving our power away. People say it all the time. “Don’t give your power away.” Or, “You gave your power away.” I’ve been saying it over and over as I travelled around doing my book tour: 
“I gave my power away when I was in the cult.” 
“Anytime you let anyone else tell you who you are, you hand them your power.” 

Bus Driver and Taxi

Bus Driver and Taxi
Jun 18, 2019 by Renee Linnell
So, I had another epiphany: The universe always delivers what I ask for. Always. Sometimes it just takes a while. Like years. Or it comes in a totally different form than what I imagine. But, I also just realized that when it takes longer than I want it to, or comes in a different form, it’s because it is being delivered in a delicious, fun, interesting, and amazing way.


Jun 11, 2019 by Renee Linnell
I saw Rocketman last week and was blown away by the acting. Also, by the story. And what kept pounding itself into my attention were the two biggest themes from my memoir: self-love and mind control.

Don’t Miss This Opportunity To Be With This One Person

Don’t Miss This Opportunity To Be With This One Person
May 22, 2019 by Renee Linnell
So, I’m three weeks into my second book tour and I have to share with you something that keeps coming up: It’s a tiny voice I hear in my thoughts that reminds me, don’t miss this opportunity with this one person. I am beginning to think this book tour is less about me promoting my book on TV, radio, and in stores, and more about the angels God has sent to cross my path.

The Sparkle

The Sparkle
May 17, 2019 by Renee Linnell
I had an epiphany while driving across Florida to a radio talk show interview a few days ago. It’s about traveling and about comfort and about safety and depression.

Fitting In

Fitting In
Apr 15, 2019 by Renee Linnell
So, I ran into the tallest human I have ever seen in my life, just a week ago in the Denver airport. I mean, he had to be seven feet, five inches or more. The man next to him looked about six feet tall and this guy towered over him. I made myself not stare. I wanted so badly to ask him how tall he was, but I figured everyone did that so I resisted. I just walked on by and hurried to my plane.

The Strength To Leave

The Strength To Leave
Apr 01, 2019 by Renee Linnell
It takes tremendous courage to leave a relationship that no longer fits. It takes tremendous self-love to know you deserve better. It takes tremendous faith to believe something better, someone better lies just around the corner in your future. It takes tremendous wisdom to feel deep in your bones that you were born to live a life of joy and that everything you dream about can be yours.


Mar 18, 2019 by Renee Linnell
My Thoughts On Depression
This blog is for Ron in Pittsburg, who told me via email that he has struggled with depression for 45 years:

I struggle with depression, too. I think all sensitive souls do; maybe all humans. I feel like it is part of the human condition and that there is too much messaging out there that tells us we are supposed to be happy all the time, and that when we’re not there is something wrong with us.

Cyber Bullying

Cyber Bullying
Feb 16, 2019 by Renee Linnell
I’d like to write about critics, especially cyber bullies. And I’d like to tie it in with trusting your voice, owning your story, and putting your work into the world; especially if you are an artist. This is a pep talk for myself; but also, hopefully, helpful to you.

Time For Self-Love

Time For Self-Love
Feb 12, 2019 by Renee Linnell
Why do we let people treat us badly? Have you ever thought of that? Why do we make excuses for them? Why do we spend time with people that make us feel like crap? Why would we make plans with anyone that leaves us feeling depleted and deflated? It makes no sense.

Heaven into Hell

Heaven into Hell
Jan 29, 2019 by Renee Linnell
This is long, but worth telling:
I just watched a dear friend turn Heaven into Hell and I learned a powerful lesson in how to not do the same.


Jan 14, 2019 by Renee Linnell
Self-love. There is so much talk about self-love, but what is it exactly? I feel qualified to tell you because lack of self-love almost killed me and learning self-love saved my life. Self-love is giving to yourself everything you want to come from another person.