
December Newsletter

December Newsletter
Dec 21, 2023 by Renee Linnell

This world is calling for our authenticity. It is calling for our joy. What we pay attention to matters. So, in the dark of winter, I ask you: are you being gentle with yourself?

Singing In the Rain

Singing In the Rain
Nov 04, 2023 by Renee Linnell

The media wants us to hate each other. And it’s so easy to do if we isolate or stay inside glued to our screens. But the second we get out of our heads and go out into the world, things change.

The Power of Taking Responsibility

The Power of Taking Responsibility
Aug 17, 2023 by Renee Linnell

There is something so liberating and so empowering when we take ownership of everything that is happening to us. Could you be open to the idea that you are far more powerful than you realize? Could you be open to the idea that you co-create with the Universe everything that is happening in your reality? And could you be open to the idea that when you signed up to incarnate here on earth you wanted to experience all the emotions, so some part of you actively seeks out and creates struggle, hardship, drama, and pain?

Facing Fears

Facing Fears
Apr 10, 2023 by Renee Linnell

I want to write about people telling us we can’t do something, or that it will be difficult. Because it sucks. It plants a seed in our fertile mind—a seed that says “Not possible” for us--and too often, once this happens, we don’t try.

April Newsletter

April Newsletter
Apr 09, 2023 by Renee Linnell

We are becoming Humans Being instead of Humans Doing. Too many of us were taught our self-worth depends on how productive we are. When someone asks us, “What have you been doing?” Most of us would feel great shame around answering something like, “Nothing." Or, "I have been Undoing.”

Tips For Battling Depression in January

Tips For Battling Depression in January
Jan 11, 2023 by Renee Linnell
It is instilled in us that our self-worth is dependant on our productivity and our results. So in the dead of winter, when we should be shutting down, going within, soul-searching, hibernating, and healing . . . we feel depressed because we feel like something is wrong with us if we're not filled with energy and motivation. We feel lost if we are questioning our future. We feel like we are missing out if we don't have the energy to act.

Glad To Be Here

Glad To Be Here
Sep 24, 2022 by Renee Linnell
I want to write about complacency. And about depression. About energy backing up on us and about cleaning up our vibration.

I’m just going to say it: We take our time here for granted. We assume we will be here tomorrow. We assume we will be healthy and fit tomorrow. We assume our loved ones will be here tomorrow, and our clients, our patients, our students, our work. What if we took that assumption away? What if we treated each day as if it could possibly be our last? 

The Healing Power of Writing One's Own Story

The Healing Power of Writing One's Own Story
Aug 16, 2022 by Renee Linnell
Each one of us holds a story inside. Each one of us has lived an incredible life. Each one of us has endured trauma, stuffed down shame. The problem is: so many of us think we are the only one who has felt a certain way or suffered a particular wound. When we are willing to share our stories, we realize we are not alone—that suffering and enduring of tragedy is a huge part of the human drama.

"Still on Fire" Interview

"Still on Fire" Interview
Jul 26, 2022 by Renee Linnell
Most people are afraid of the unknown. When we are children we are used to being uncomfortable because the whole world is unknown. But as we grow older we learn how to create “safe” environments and then we get stuck.

I Wish We Could Love

I Wish We Could Love
May 01, 2022 by Renee Linnell
When I read the news, I hate. I do. I hate this world; I hate the people in it. When I close my phone or computer and go outside, I love this world and I love the people in it. Seems simple and obvious to me. One action creates hatred. Another creates love. Which one do I choose?


Apr 09, 2022 by Renee Linnell
We know what we need to do. Each one of us does. Our energy is so powerful. Our mind is so powerful. Instead of being wishy-washy victims in this Game Called Life, we have to take our Power back. Figure out what we want, line our energy up with it, and go for it.


Jan 11, 2022 by Renee Linnell
We are not meant to suffer so. We are meant to enjoy experience after experience and then move on as each gets taken away. Everything in this life is transient. That’s what makes it all so magical, so special. 

Loving Our Pain

Loving Our Pain
Dec 04, 2021 by Renee Linnell
We are heading into the darkest part of the year here in the Northern Hemisphere and I know many of you are really going through it, myself included. This morning, as I was crying into my coffee and trying to come up with ways to avoid my emotional pain, I had a vision of inviting my pain to join me on my sofa. In my vision I offered her a spot in the morning sun and a pretty little tuffet to sit upon. I handed her a cup of steaming warm coffee in my favorite mug and I looked at her with love. I asked her, “What are you here to tell me?”

Fully Bloomed

Fully Bloomed
Sep 19, 2021 by Renee Linnell

So many of us know there is greatness inside of us. We know we were born to Light up this world and do to something spectacular. And yet, we don’t know what it is, where to start, how to get there. So we stay stuck.

Heaven on Earth

Heaven on Earth
Sep 12, 2021 by Renee Linnell
All that is happening right now is a catalyst for humans to Awaken. And Awakening means realizing we are here in these human bodies by choice. We can leave at any moment. So, if we are choosing to stay, why are we choosing lives that don’t thrill us? Just because everyone else does?


Jun 08, 2021 by Renee Linnell
One of the biggest gifts we have been given is the power of our mind. It literally has the Energy That Creates Worlds running through it. The Buddha said, “With your thoughts you create the world.” Why is it so hard for so many of us to truly get what this means?

Kindness, Gratitude, and Love

Kindness, Gratitude, and Love
Apr 26, 2021 by Renee Linnell
When you think someone you love is dead or is going to die, it really puts life in perspective. When Life hands us something like this, we must pay attention. These events are wake-up calls from the Soul. A huge wake-up call for my friend, but also one for all of us involved. They are opportunities that should not be missed. They are gifts from the Divine. 


Feb 02, 2021 by Renee Linnell
The adults who raise us have forgotten who they are, and since they have forgotten about their own wings, they clip ours when we are young. They teach us the world is small, and difficult, and cruel. They tell us not to dream. They tell us to “be practical.” To “face reality.” Every time we try to fly they pull us back down to earth. Until we stop trying. Until we forget the Truth of who we are: Magnificent Winged Beings. Made of Light. Made of Love. With the energy that creates worlds running through us. We are not meant to create such small cages for ourselves. We are meant to fly free.

From Fear to Love

From Fear to Love
Jan 02, 2021 by Renee Linnell
No matter what is going on “out there,” we always have full control over what is going on inside our own mind. And the less we focus on futures that scare us, the less energy we give them, and the less we help manifest them. Worry, after all, is using our mind energy to create a future we dread. We have the power, each one of us does, to stop this. 

Muzzles and Lockdowns and Curfews, Oh My!

Muzzles and Lockdowns and Curfews, Oh My!
Jan 02, 2021 by Renee Linnell
People think the lockdowns and the masks and the social distancing are going to end once the vaccine is available to all. It makes me sad that they can’t see what’s really going on here.